
Top Massage Articles, Videos and Newsletters

TOP 5 Massage Articles

  1. The 42 Pound Head (Dalton) “Most attempts to correct posture are directed toward the spine, shoulders and pelvis. All are important, but head position takes precedence over all others.”
  2. Anatomy Trains Myofascial Meridians (Myers) “There are exactly three networks within the body that, magically extracted intact, would show us the shape of the whole body, inside and out: the vascular system, the neural net, and the extracellular fibrous web created by the connective tissue cells.”
  3. Sacroiliac & Low Back Pain (Dalton) “Although the three bones of the pelvis are frequently the site of the “primary” lesion, I have found that a missing key in successful correction of recurrent SI pain is motion-restricted hip joints, i.e., poor alignment of the femur in the acetabulum.”
  4. A Rehabilitation Roadmap (Liebenson) “Stability and mobility go hand in hand. Often stiff joints or tight muscles alter movement patterns so that instability results. For instance, if there is a loss of posterior hip flexibility/mobility it will not be possible to avoid end-range lumbar spine flexion during a deep squat.”
  5. What Makes Tiger Tick? …Treating Golf Injuries “The secret to Tiger Woods’ power lies in his highly refined musculofascial spring systems. Many professional coaches downplay the role of the hips in big-time swingers like Tiger Woods. Many believe the spinal rotator muscles are the primary factors in producing the type of power Tiger displays.

TOP 5 Bodywork Newsletters

  1. Treating Anterior Scalenes “Cervical nerves and vessels often become trapped between fibrotic anterior and middle scalene tendons as they enter the thoracic inlet. Erik demos a cool anterior scalene maneuver that relieves nerve compression and referred arm pain.”
  2. Plantar Fasciitis…Train & Treat “Daily stresses placed on the foot and ankle may cause fascial adhesions of the posterior and lateral leg muscles. Manual therapists and athletic trainers often palpate dense fascial bag adhesions where the entire calf feels like a solid rock. So, how do these adhesions form?”
  3. Thoracic Outlet, Nerve Pinch & Carpal Tunnel Pain“Successful long-term alleviation of pain, numbness, swelling, and paresthesias associated with this troublesome disorder requires that all upper quadrant postural asymmetries (slumped shoulders, forward heads, hyperkyphosis, etc.) be corrected prior to releasing smaller ‘impinging’ muscles such as intertransversarii, scalenes, and subclavius.”
  4. Why Certify Through Us? “Myoskeletal Alignment training is a natural transition from the relaxation model you learned in massage school to the lucrative world of pain management. Our clients are always seeking help with neck, rotator cuff, low back, hip, and leg issues and are willing to pay anyone who can relieve their pain.”
  5. Coccyx… Butt and Back Pain “Manual therapy can be used as a conservative treatment for a coccyx injury by aiming to relax and extend the muscles in the area. Once musculofascial balance is restored to the pelvic bowl and lumbar spine, the therapist can use ligaments as levers to help move the coccyx back into a correct position.”

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