Treating the TMJ
From Technique Tour course Treating the TMJ It’s not uncommon to be in the final stages of a history intake when the client casually states,
From Technique Tour course Treating the TMJ It’s not uncommon to be in the final stages of a history intake when the client casually states,
The famed Czech researcher Dr. Karel Lewit states: “Respiration is our primary and most important movement pattern… and also the most dysfunctional.”
The obliquus capitis inferior (OCI) muscles may be the most underappreciated of all the suboccipitals. Arising from the spinous process of C2 (axis) and inserting on the transverse process of C1 (atlas), their primary function is head-on-neck rotation…
Mired in Controversy I’m aware this may be an unpopular statement, but I don’t completely agree with the idea of pain-free bodywork. In an environment
Mobilizing the Ulnar Nerve The ulnar is the most exposed of all nerves and ranks second only to the median nerve (carpal tunnel syndrome) as
Double Crushed Nerve Damage The term double crush syndrome (DCS) was coined by Harvard University plastic surgeons Albert Upton and Alan McComas, who wrote, “Neural
The term frozen shoulder has been around since the early 1930s, but research by Drs. Andrew and Robert Neviaser found that a stiff, painful glenohumeral joint doesn’t necessarily mean the shoulder is “frozen.”1 According to these authors, frozen shoulder and adhesive capsulitis are
The miracle of motherhood is eloquently expressed when observing how perfectly the female body is designed to conceive, birth, and nurture a child. Following conception, a woman and her unborn baby unite in an oceanic blend of energy and identity. Where one ends and the other begins no one knows.
Modification Techniques for Tennis Elbow & Nerve Pain A primary part of being human is the ability to use our hands in extraordinary ways. This From Technique Tour course Causes of TMJ dysfunction include blunt trauma to head and neck, slip and falls on the sacrum causing compensations up
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