Even though you may have already completed your initial training in manual therapy, cultivating a passion for continued learning can help you better serve your clients and reach greater heights in your career. One of the best parts about continuing education for professional massage therapists is the fact that these classes can lead to new and more advanced credentials, which signify your specific skills to clients and prospective employers. For those practitioners who seek success in the arena of non-invasive pain management, using continuing education classes to become a Certified Myoskeletal Therapist can be an invaluable step.
Read how other therapists have doubled their business with these advanced bodywork techniques.
In order to earn the Certified Myoskeletal Therapist credential, it is necessary to enroll in the right continuing education classes. CE courses in Myoskeletal Alignment Techniques (MAT) are offered through Erik Dalton and the Freedom From Pain Institute. Dalton is the creator of MAT and the founder of the Freedom From Pain Institute, which is a teaching facility that aims to deliver top-notch MAT training. These courses are designed for manual therapists who are looking to learn an effective method of non-invasive pain management for a wide variety of client issues and conditions. One of the main facets of MAT is skeletal alignment and muscular balance for the release of stubborn pain patterns.
The pathway to become a Certified Myoskeletal Therapist begins with any one of the CE classes Dalton and his team have created on the topic of MAT. These courses have been carefully crafted to deliver solid knowledge of the assessment protocols and deep tissue massage techniques necessary to effect skeletal alignment — all within the scope of practice for massage therapy. For practitioners with more flexibility in their schedule and budget, a trip to take one of Dalton’s MAT workshops in person may be the perfect option. However, given the fact that these live seminars tend to fill up fast, distance learning CE courses are a wonderful option as well.
Currently, the Freedom From Pain Institute offers one online CE course and three home-study CE programs that focus on MAT. By successfully completing any one of these classes, manual therapists can earn the prestigious credential of Certified Myoskeletal Therapist. In the coming months, the opportunity to secure the skills and knowledge that come with this certification will expand, as Dalton is adding four other myoskeletal e-learning classes to his catalog. These CE programs, which take place entirely online, allow practitioners to simply log on and start learning.
As for the three foundational MAT home-study courses, these focus on the lower body, the upper body, and the relationship between posture, pain and performance. The number of NCBTMB or BOC approved continuing education units that may be earned by completing any one of these programs ranges from 20 to 32 CEUs. By successfully completing any one of these home-study classes, manual therapists can earn the credential of Certified Myoskeletal Therapist. In addition, Dalton offers a professional ethics home-study continuing education class that allows students to earn six CEUs.
For those practitioners who may have already completed the MAT home-study programs or are simply hoping to access the immediate education available through online massage training, the Dalton Technique Tour is open for enrollment right now, allowing students to earn a total of 16 CEUs. This CE program takes place totally online and provides a thorough tour of MAT, with Dalton as your guide. Not only will this program net you continuing education credits and the credential of Certified Myoskeletal Therapist, but it will also allow you to begin providing your clients with lasting pain relief.
Early next year, professional massage therapists and bodyworkers will have the chance to enroll in three more MAT CE classes that take place completely online. These new myoskeletal e-learning courses are called Art of MAT, Motion is Lotion, and Shoulder. Arm. Hand. For each one of these online CE programs, the number of continuing education units that can be earned is 16 CEUs. Keep in mind that graduating from any one of these classes means becoming a Certified Myoskeletal Therapist.
As an added incentive to continue learning and honing your skills, those practitioners who complete all four home-study courses, all five myoskeletal e-learning classes and 50 hours of live myoskeletal workshops recieve the expert credential of Master Myoskeletal Therapist.
On sale this week only!
Save 25% off the Upper Body Course!
NEW! Enhanced video USB format!!!
Learn unique approaches to work with the shoulder girdle, arms, neck, and torso, this course will prepare you to relieve painful myoskeletal issues in the upper body. Through video demos and animation, you’ll learn to identify several compensatory movement patterns and their associated reflexogenic pain. With this understanding of where the true source of problems arise, you’ll be able to develop highly effective treatment protocols and deliver lasting results. This course provides you with the skills you need to confidently relieve pain issues in the upper body. (20 CE)
Bonus: When you order the Home Study version, get the eLearning course and and an additional 2CE Ethics eCourse for free!
Save 25% off the Upper Body Course this week only. Offer expires Mon Sept 16th. Click the button below for more information and to purchase the course for CE hours and a certificate of completion to display in your office.