Postural Paradox…Symptom or Cause? Video fron Art of MAT course As stated in my last blog titled “Digital Dementia”, poor posture is not a cause; it is simply Video fron Art of MAT course As stated in my last blog titled “Digital Dementia”, poor posture is not a cause; it is simply
The Master Myoskeletal Therapist certification program that we launched a couple months ago is going strong as therapists are completing the final requirements with the From Technique Tour course Causes of TMJ dysfunction include blunt trauma to head and neck, slip and falls on the sacrum causing compensations up
Contemporary bodyworkers are blessed with freedoms rarely afforded other professional health care practitioners the three M’s: Minutes, Myofascia and Maintenance. Let’s Talk Minutes With most From Advanced Upper Body course The legendary comedian Rodney Dangerfield coined the phrase “can’t get no respect‘ and after careful consideration, I believe he
Bridging the great divide between Art & Science From The Art of MAT course Professor Albert Einstein once stated, “All religion, arts, and sciences, are branches From Dynamic Lower Body course When the brain senses bony instability or tissue damage in-and-around the spine, information is compiled and ‘fast-tracked’ to the
A Techniques-Only Program… From Technique Tour course A dear friend and mentor, Philip Greenman, was fond of saying, “Technique is an Invitation to Touch” and
The Secret Life of Spinal Discs The intervertebral discs are responsible for 25 percent of our spine’s overall length. Given that the average adult spine
Update April 10th, 2017: This event is now over. Sign up for the Erik Dalton Newsletter to get updates on future broadcasts. On October 10th,
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