
When the Funny Bone Ain’t Funny

Mobilizing the Ulnar Nerve

The ulnar is the most exposed of all nerves and ranks second only to the median nerve (carpal tunnel syndrome) as an arm and hand pain generator. Irritation of the ulnar nerve can present as tingling, pain and numbness in the pinky and ring fingers sometimes in a shocking way as the flexed elbow strikes an object compressing it against bone.

Like a telephone cable, the ulnar nerve passes through a protective tunnel behind the elbow’s medial epicondyle or funny bone forming what is called the ‘cubital tunnel’. When the ulnar nerve is compressed or entrapped, the nerve can tear and become inflamed leading to a variety of symptoms, called Cubital Tunnel Syndrome. (Image 1.)

Image 1. Cubital Tunnel Syndrome

I’ve discovered about eight ulnar nerve entrapment sites beginning in the neck, extending through the thoracic outlet, armpit, and down into the hand. All those entrapment sites are addressed in my “Treating Trapped Nerves” course, and some examples are presented below. You’ll love how easily these routines integrate into your existing massage and bodywork practice, and your clients will be amazed at how quickly they are free of nagging nerve pain emanating from the neck, thoracic outlet, cubital tunnel, and Gyon’s tunnel.

Ulnar Nerve Gliding Routine

Ulnar Nerve Gliding Routine
  • With therapist facing his client, his right hand grasps client’s left wrist, and horizontally abducts and externally rotates her arm to 90 degrees
  • Therapist’s left hand snakes under and grasps /depresses the client’s shoulder to stabilize
  • Client’s elbow is braced against therapist’s hip
  • The fingers of therapist’s right hand radially deviate and extend client’s wrist and fingers (particularly the 5th digit)
  • In this position, the client right rotates / sidebends her head to gently stretch the nerve
  • Therapist then uses his hip and hands to slowly abduct and depress client’s shoulder a little further testing for increased nerve sensitivity
  • To glide the ulnar nerve proximally, the client left sidebends her head as the therapist releases finger and wrist extension
  • To glide nerve distally, the therapist increases elbow flexion, and arm and wrist pronation (goal is to place client’s fingers along the side of her face with fingers facing down)
  • Slowly repeat 5 to 10 times to gently floss and release entrapped nerve at the thoracic outlet, cubital tunnel, or Guyon’s canal.

Repeat this maneuver 5 times and reassess for decreased ulnar nerve pain.

Nerve Gliding Home Training Exercise: Upside Down Goggles

Note: In the following images the red tubing represents the nerve pathway.

A. Hold your hand turned outward as you begin bending your elbow.
B. Bring your palm to your cheek. *If you can’t get your palm flat on your cheek then keep practicing this range of motion.
C. With your hand flat on your cheek rock side to side to ease the tightness.
D. Then join your first fingers and thumbs together on both hands to form a circle (“ok” sign), lift your elbows and keep rotating your shoulders as your finger and thumb rest over your eyes creating an upside down pair of goggles. All of your other fingers rest down your face.
E. Rock your upper body side to side from the waist.

*Work within your range of motion. With repetition, your range of motion may increase. Its common that bodyworkers can’t get into the upside down goggles because of tightness in flexors, weakness in extensors, and limited rotation in the shoulders.

From Erik Dalton’s Treating Trapped Nerves Course

On sale this week only!

Save 25% off the Treating Trapped Nerves course!

NEW enhanced video USB Format!

Equip yourself with a powerhouse of skills for relieving painfully compressed nerves. Relieve pain caused by mechanical entrapment in the neck, thoracic outlet, sacroiliac, and other regions. Save 25% this week only. Offer expires midnight Monday, October 21st!

Click here for more information and to purchase the course for 16 CE hours and a certificate of completion to display in your office.

BONUS: Order the home study version and get access to the eCourse for free!

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