Squinting Patella, MPDs & Runner’s Knee
Often, the patella is tilted and sits in the knee the way a beret rests on the side of one’s head, thus the term “squinting
Often, the patella is tilted and sits in the knee the way a beret rests on the side of one’s head, thus the term “squinting
In the early 20th century, sacroiliac joint syndrome (SIJ) was the most common medical diagnosis for low back pain, which resulted in that period being labeled the “Era of the SI Joint.” Any pain emanating from the low back, buttock or adjacent leg usually was branded and treated as SIJ.
The femoral nerve is one of the largest neural structures in the leg. Its branches supply sensation to the upper thigh and control the quadriceps muscle, which is responsible for straightening the knee. Femoral nerve impingement can produce various symptoms. Numbness, tingling and shooting pain into the leg (and sometimes into the groin area) is common.
Triggering the feel-good hormones through touch Everyone knows good bodywork feels good, but what causes those feel-good feelings, and how can we further elevate our
https://player.vimeo.com/video/215826250 From Motion Is Lotion course In last week’s Technique Tuesday newsletter we assessed the neck firing order pattern using the Head Raise Test. As
Modification Techniques for Tennis Elbow & Nerve Pain A primary part of being human is the ability to use our hands in extraordinary ways. This