Many of you who have attended my workshops are aware that training sessions normally begin with evaluation and treatment techniques aimed at restoring length-tension balance between tonic and phasic (tight-weak) muscle groups. As discussed in previous newsletters, typical imbalances between these two muscular systems lead to syndromes (such as Janda’s upper and lower crossed) that may alter the position and function of associated joints. Over the years, a reasonable joint mobilization recipe for massage and bodywork practitioners has been developed to help fix osseous fixations that reflexogenically tighten or diminish neighboring muscles setting the stage for stubborn pain/spasm/pain cycles.
Continue reading more about Common Upper Extremity Dysfunctions.
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Take an inside look at Myoskeletal Alignment Techniques in action. Follow along with Erik Dalton as he uses MAT techniques to treat real people with real problems. Click the button below for more information and to purchase the course for CE hours and a certificate of completion to display in your office. BONUS: When you purchase the home study course, receive the eCourse for free!
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