Holiday Shopping and Back Pain Low back pain often results from various forms of sacroiliac dysfunction. Of the ten or so ways the sacrum can become stuck “crooked” between Low back pain often results from various forms of sacroiliac dysfunction. Of the ten or so ways the sacrum can become stuck “crooked” between Treating central nervous system tension In my first college anatomy class, the professor claimed that by adulthood, the three or four bones of the
Excursion of the Sciatic Nerve During Nerve Mobilization Exercises: An In Vivo Cross-sectional Study Using Dynamic Ultrasound Imaging. Coppieters MW1, Andersen LS, Johansen R, Giskegjerde
There’s a saying in orthopedics that “motion is lotion for joints,” but what about muscles, fascia, and neural structures? Aging causes us to produce less According to the Scoliosis Research Society, degenerative spine disease is one of the most common reasons adults develop scoliosis.1 The greater the degree of
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