
Erik Dalton Blog

Bodywork, Hormones & Homeostasis

Recent studies highlight the efficacy of Pain Neuroscience Education (PNE) in understanding and managing pain. But can PNE and manual therapy coexist? Dive deep into the positive impacts of touch therapy on our hormonal system and the innate bond that starts between a mother and child. Discover how touch can be a powerful tool in regulating our body’s homeostasis and how it can influence our hormones for better health and well-being.

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A Different Twist on Wrist & Hand Pain

Both professional and recreational athletes depend on their hands, wrists and fingers for proper strength, grip and range of motion for optimal performance. Sprains commonly occur during active sports or household falls…

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Addressing SI Joint Syndrome

In the early 20th century, sacroiliac joint syndrome (SIJ) was the most common medical diagnosis for low back pain, which resulted in that period being labeled the “Era of the SI Joint.” Any pain emanating from the low back, buttock or adjacent leg usually was branded and treated as SIJ.

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Nerve mobilization

Quad Pain and Femoral Nerve Entrapment

The femoral nerve is one of the largest neural structures in the leg. Its branches supply sensation to the upper thigh and control the quadriceps muscle, which is responsible for straightening the knee. Femoral nerve impingement can produce various symptoms. Numbness, tingling and shooting pain into the leg (and sometimes into the groin area) is common.

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Anterior Scalene Technique

The three scalene groups derive their name from the Greek word skalenos meaning “uneven.” Although anatomists depict the scalenes as individual muscles, most touch therapists are aware of how they work together as a functional unit during neck sidebending and rotation

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Graded Exposure Stretching for Joints

https://www.youtube.com/embed/-xgkOEt-_WA From the sports therapist to structural integrator, the art of restoring pain-free range of motion and ‘joint-play’ should rank high on every manual therapist’s

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