
MAT approved for athletic training home study

From movement therapy to medical massage, there are so many ways to phrase the practice of using hands-on skills to assist clients in gaining freedom from pain and, in turn, a better overall quality of life.

From movement therapy to medical massage, there are so many ways to phrase the practice of using hands-on skills to assist clients in gaining freedom from pain and, in turn, a better overall quality of life. We may be most familiar with the role of professionals such as massage therapists, bodyworkers, physical therapists, energy workers and chiropractors when it comes to using natural, noninvasive methods to help people who are in pain. However, there are other professionals who also base their work on applying noninvasive techniques for the health and healing of injured clients.

One such example is the athletic trainer — a professional all too often confused with a personal trainer. Unlike a personal trainer, whose education and credentials can vary from program to program, the athletic trainer is one who holds a bachelor’s or master’s degree in athletic training from a school that has been accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Programs. Once the prospective athletic trainer has earned his or her degree in this area, it is then necessary to sit for a certification exam in order to become licensed to begin practicing as an athletic trainer.

According to the National Athletic Trainers Association, the credentialed athletic trainer is able to provide clients with care that includes therapeutic intervention and rehabilitation. In order to maintain one’s credential to provide such care, it is necessary to earn continuing education credits from a BOC approved provider. Fortunately, there are athletic training home study programs available that meet these requirements, such as Erik Dalton’s classes on Myoskeletal Alignment Techniques (MAT). Here, we will take a closer look at the athletic training home study courses developed by Dalton and his team at the Freedom From Pain Institute.

Before you sign up to take an athletic training home study class on MAT, you may want to know a bit more about this method of manual therapy. A great place to start getting the information you need may be a simple Internet search, using a phrase such as “what is myoskeletal alignment therapy?” In the simplest terms, this is a thorough system of assessment protocols and strategic deep-tissue massage techniques geared toward the prevention, alleviation and management of pain. MAT is steeped in peer-reviewed research, as well as more than three decades of hands-on experience with clients in pain. Therefore, taking an athletic training home study course on MAT can be a huge boon to your work — and the satisfaction of both your clients and your employer.

Not only do these BOC approved classes serve as athletic training home study programs, but also as massage therapist continuing education. By completing any one of Dalton’s carefully crafted CE courses on MAT, it is possible to earn massage certification as a myoskeletal therapist, beginning with the credential of Certified Myoskeletal Therapist and moving up the ladder to the highest MAT certification: Master Myoskeletal Therapist. Along with massage therapists and bodyworkers, those who complete a MAT continuing education class as an athletic training home study course also have the chance to earn these official certifications.

By enrolling in and successfully completing any one of Dalton’s athletic training home study programs pertaining to MAT, an athletic trainer can secure the title of Certified Myoskeletal Therapist. Those who go on to complete all four home-study courses, plus five online courses and 50 hours of live workshops will be eligible for the expert credential of Master Myoskeletal Therapist, which is a brand-new certification that will be launched early next year. Practitioners can begin working toward the MMT credential now by completing as many of these home-study courses and online classes as possible, along with signing up for live workshops right away.

Whether you call what you do massage for sports therapy, orthopedic massage, athletic training or something else entirely, if your goal is to provide a professional method of effective and noninvasive pain management, then learning more and more about MAT is a wise move. After all, a firm grasp on MAT can help you to better serve your clients, which tends to mean increased income and a greater sense of satisfaction at the end of each day.

Click here for more information.

Special Savings this week only!

Save 25% off the "Myoskeletal Mobilization Massage Course" 


NEW! Enhanced video USB format

Join Erik Dalton as he takes you on a step-by-step journey teaching you an efficient and effective method for assessing and correcting flexibility mobility issues we see every day in our practices. You will learn a full body routine that involves prone, sidelying, supine, and bench work. Follow along as Erik demonstrates how to use this as a stand alone routine or easily integrate the individual techniques into your massage practice.

Sale ends Monday December 16th.  Click the button below for more information and to purchase the course for CE hours and a certificate of completion to display in your office.  Bonus: Purchase the home study course and receive the eLearning course for FREE!

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