Oklahoma City! Yee haw!! We had a rip roaring time at our 7th annual Oklahoma City workshop.

This workshop sold out months ahead of time. Over 170 excited therapists registered and a dozen teaching assistants were there over the weekend. The whole thing was like some kind of rock and roll concert. The mood was electric! Our special guest instructor this time around was Eric Stephenson, and boy, talk about rock and roll!! Did he put on a show! And of course, we had our special “celebrity” guests: Art Riggs, James Waslaski, Eric Brown, Scott Dartnall, Drew Freeman, and Paul Kelly.

Here’s what a few people had to say about their Oklahoma City workshop experience.
Early morning flight after one of the most fulfilling professional events of my career. Spending the weekend with some of the greatest icons in bodywork:Erik Dalton, Art Riggs, James Waslaski, Drew Freedman, Scott Dartnall, and Eric Stephenson. You have all gifted me with continued inspiration, my desire, curiosity and craving for knowledge is satisfied, and my heart is full! Thank you again to Erik Dalton for bringing this group, including the 180 therapist from all corners of the globe, together.
Diane Pineault

Such an Awesome group of people to work with at the Myoskeletal Alignment Workshop in OKC! A Huge Thanks, as always, to Erik Dalton and the staff at the Freedom From Pain Institute for bringing more life, love, and joy to the manual therapy field and the people who benefit from it!
Andy Libert
I’ll always continue to learn and grow in my field; and this weekend I got to do it with my my favorite (and some new favorites) in the business. Thanks Erik Dalton and Paul Kelly for letting me assist you guys this weekend and be part of this amazing team. Eric Stephenson thanks for a top notch educational moment, taking the time to talk to me and hanging out a bit. Kim Miller thanks for believing in me… see y’all soon
Nate Faye

Costa Rica is up next…

My instructors teach MAT workshops around the world. While you may see me assisting at some of these, I teach only two workshops a year. The next one will be our 20th “Pain Relief in Paradise” Retreat in Costa Rica which runs from November 30th to December 7th.
You get to celebrate education and nature at the stunning Pura Vida Resort. This affordable 30-CE Myoskeletal Certification training offers top-notch education, lodging, healthy meals, and airport transportation. Enjoy zip-lining, white water rafting, music, dancing, yoga, beach excursions, and lots more. Connect with international therapists in an exotic breathtaking environment with leisure time to practice the MAT techniques you learn from me and my awesome assistants. Sign up ASAP because this will sell out early. Book early and reserve your accommodations in one of the tentilows if they are still available. They go really fast.
Click here for all the details
Have a great week and I’ll be back next Tuesday with our regular Techniques Tuesday newsletter.
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