That Funny Bone
https://youtube.com/watch?v=klcH9XOPFCY%3F From Treating Trapped Nerves course Mobilizing the ulnar nerve by Erik Dalton The ulnar is the most exposed of all nerves and ranks second
https://youtube.com/watch?v=klcH9XOPFCY%3F From Treating Trapped Nerves course Mobilizing the ulnar nerve by Erik Dalton The ulnar is the most exposed of all nerves and ranks second
https://vimeo.com/227135451 Acknowledging the A/C The Acromioclavicular or A/C joint sits on the point of the shoulder lateral to the sternoclavicular and proximal to the glenohumeral.
The label “shoulder complex” appropriately describes the complexities encountered when dealing with pain in this commonly dysfunctional area. Comprised of three joints and one primary
Theory of shoulder girdle function The shoulder girdle functions to position the hand, provides stability for hand use, lifts, pushes, elevates the body, assists with
Mobilization Treatment Techniques to Restore Movement Many sessions normally begin with assessment and treatment techniques aimed at restoring length-tension balance between tonic and phasic (tight-weak)
Every day, our society is coming up with more imaginative ways to be sick, according to a recent article located on the web at hypochondria
Many manual therapists realize that pain does not afflict the two genders equally. Most medical literature points to consistent findings that women report more musculoskeletal
https://www.youtube.com/embed/-xgkOEt-_WA From the sports therapist to structural integrator, the art of restoring pain-free range of motion and ‘joint-play’ should rank high on every manual therapist’s
From Motion Is Lotion course All joints move in a very specific fashion and have a very precise range of movement. A joint’s normal range
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