
Erik Dalton Blog

Digital Dementia

Assessing PMFR weakness as shown in the Assessment course Addressing Postural Plasticity Digital Dementia is a term coined by neuroscientist Manfred Spitzer to describe…

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Bodywork, Hormones & Homeostasis

Recent studies highlight the efficacy of Pain Neuroscience Education (PNE) in understanding and managing pain. But can PNE and manual therapy coexist? Dive deep into the positive impacts of touch therapy on our hormonal system and the innate bond that starts between a mother and child. Discover how touch can be a powerful tool in regulating our body’s homeostasis and how it can influence our hormones for better health and well-being.

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How Do Ligaments Cause Sciatica?

The primary role of the iliolumbar ligaments is to prevent excessive lumbar sidebending, but these ligaments can contribute to sciatic nerve entrapment when injured. A traumatic event such as a bending and twisting maneuver while attempting to lift a heavy object, may strain the iliolumbar ligaments and their multifidi neighbors. As the ligaments weaken, they lose the ability to

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MMT Gold Seal

Why Certify Through Us?

Aubrey Gowing, MMT – Workshop Educator, Teaching Assistant. Dublin, Ireland Provide Your Clients Lasting Relief from Pain Achieving great results for clients suffering from chronic

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Treating Hip Osteoarthrosis

https://vimeo.com/311365577 From Art of MAT course Although some are optimistic about the future of stem cell therapy, Murray’s orthopedic surgeon, the legendary Dr. John O’Donnell,

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