
Erik Dalton Blog

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Hamstring Massage and Mobilization

In a study of one NFL team from 1998-2007, the occurrence of hamstring pulls accounted for 85 injuries, second only to knee sprains, which came in first at 120 injuries1. Hamstring injuries often plague competitive and weekend warrior athletes for years, giving the illusion that the initial injury never healed…

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Freeing the Ribs

Treating Kinetic Chain Kinks Recent manual and movement therapy blogs tout the importance of thoracic spine (t-spine) mobility as if it were a new discovery.

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Treating Neck Cricks and Immobilization Arthritis

What can manual and movement therapists do to treat neck cricks caused by facet jamming and nerve root impingement? In many cases, protective muscle spasm can be reduced through application of specific soft-tissue decompression and mobilization maneuvers that help restore “joint play” and facilitate…

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Memory & Bodywork Mastery

Our brains are very much like sponges. They are malleable and constantly adapting to peripheral input by strengthening existing neural connections and networks, a process called long-term potentiation (LTP).

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Crick in the Neck

Crick in the Neck: From Pathology to Pain

A “crick in the neck” is a common complaint among clients seeking manual therapy. This informal umbrella term can refer to symptoms that range from general cervical stiffness to complete immobility and unrelenting pain. When assessing cricks…

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A Different Twist on Wrist & Hand Pain

Both professional and recreational athletes depend on their hands, wrists and fingers for proper strength, grip and range of motion for optimal performance. Sprains commonly occur during active sports or household falls…

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