Creating Space in the Suboccipital Triangle
GOAL: Balance occiput on cervical column to relieve nerve pressure in suboccipital triangle
LANDMARK: Suboccipital ridge and spinous process of C2.
A. ACTION: Suboccipital Release Using Enhancers.
- Therapist’s right thumb locates spinous process of C2 and slides superiorly and slightly laterally to base of skull to contact rectus capitis posterior major.
- Therapist’s left thumb is placed directly below right thumb to contact rectus capitis posterior minor.
- Therapist drapes hands around client’s head so that thumb pads point towards one another.
- Client is instructed to gently cock head back against therapist’s thumbs to a count of five and relax.
- Therapist resists client’s extension efforts and holds for a mechanoreceptor release. Recall that the suboccipitals have no tendinous attachments and no GTOs at the occipital ridge.
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