
Erik Dalton Blog

Freeing the Ribs

Treating Kinetic Chain Kinks Recent manual and movement therapy blogs tout the importance of thoracic spine (t-spine) mobility as if it were a new discovery.

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Treating the TMJ

From Technique Tour course Treating the TMJ It’s not uncommon to be in the final stages of a history intake when the client casually states,

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I’m blaming it on the AC joint!

The AC joint sits on the point of the shoulder lateral to the sternoclavicular (SC) and proximal to the glenohumeral (GH) joint. Regrettably, this oft-overlooked bony articulation receives little respect from most manual therapists. Both the AC and SC joints play vital roles in the biomechanics of throwing and other upper-limb activities.

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Fig. 2 – Suboccipital Triangle

Suboccipital Triangle & Headaches

The second cervical vertebra, the axis, is considered the most important of all the neck’s bony structures partly due to its unique dural membrane attachment and also because of the powerful myofascial structures…

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Coccyx The Seat of the Soul

Coccyx pain was first documented in 1588, and Simpson coined the term coccydynia in 1859. The word coccyx comes from the Greek word for “cuckoo” due to its resemblance of a cuckoo bird’s beak…

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Assessment: The Art of History Taking

The art of history taking possibly is possibly the least appreciated of all therapeutic interventions. A client’s history is never taken but continually updated and expounded upon throughout each therapy session.

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