
Erik Dalton Blog

Digital Dementia

Assessing PMFR weakness as shown in the Assessment course Addressing Postural Plasticity Digital Dementia is a term coined by neuroscientist Manfred Spitzer to describe…

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Crick in the Neck

Crick in the Neck: From Pathology to Pain

A “crick in the neck” is a common complaint among clients seeking manual therapy. This informal umbrella term can refer to symptoms that range from general cervical stiffness to complete immobility and unrelenting pain. When assessing cricks…

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Fig. 1

Scoliosis… is it functional or structural?

Manual therapists often shy away from treating scoliotic clients, and for good reason. In the absence of a basic understanding of spinal biomechanics, soft tissue work may not produce the desired results and treatments that are too “heavy-handed” may even exacerbate the client’s condition.

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Treating Hip Osteoarthrosis

https://vimeo.com/311365577 From Art of MAT course Although some are optimistic about the future of stem cell therapy, Murray’s orthopedic surgeon, the legendary Dr. John O’Donnell,

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Image 1. Cross-crawling helps organize the child’s central nervous system.

Watch the Walk

https://player.vimeo.com/video/268014252 From Art of MAT course Homolateral gait, righting reflexes, and neck strain By Erik Dalton Image 1. Cross-crawling helps organize the child’s central nervous

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Art of MAT

Bridging the great divide between Art & Science From The Art of MAT course Professor Albert Einstein once stated, “All religion, arts, and sciences, are branches

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