
Erik Dalton Blog

Occipital Neuralgia Headaches

The occipitoatlantal (O-A) joint is the uppermost weight-bearing synovial joint in the body and is the final junction for adapting to asymmetry or dysfunction from below. Mechanically, the head teeters on the two…

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Nerve and Joint Gliding Routine for Carpal Tunnel

Artists, bodyworkers, computer programmers, and writers are among those who suffer from overuse syndromes such as carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). Although most of us have developed hands-on skills for relieving median nerve compression as it passes under the transverse carpal ligament, I believe the treatment can be enhanced by…

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Hamstring Massage and Mobilization

In a study of one NFL team from 1998-2007, the occurrence of hamstring pulls accounted for 85 injuries, second only to knee sprains, which came in first at 120 injuries1. Hamstring injuries often plague competitive and weekend warrior athletes for years, giving the illusion that the initial injury never healed…

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