When a client presents with an issue associated with the upper cervical complex, such as occipital neuralgia headaches, that client is most likely hoping that the licensed massage therapist or other manual therapy professional will be able to provide relief and help the client avoid, or at least reduce, the use of more invasive solutions, such as nerve blocks and prescription pain medicine. However, if the practitioner has not been trained either at school or through home courses in specific techniques like Motion is Lotion to address problems with the upper cervical complex, then he or she may not be able to deliver much more than maybe a temporary reprieve from the pain. In such cases, the client is left to continue his or her search for a lasting solution. As you can imagine, the bodyworker who can provide a manual therapy session that effectively treats this crucial area of the body would likely be well compensated and in high demand.
If you want to be the type of pain-management practitioner who knows how to alleviate issues associated with the upper cervical complex, as well as many other key regions of the body that have been connected to chronic pain, then make the move to enroll in home courses that can give you the skills you need. In the field of manual therapy, few people have a reputation as solid as Erik Dalton when it comes to teaching others to provide effective pain relief that is well within the scope of practice for massage therapists, bodyworkers and athletic trainers. Perhaps one of the most telling facts about Dalton and his continuing education programs is that these classes are not only popular among manual therapists, but also among a wide range of other pain professionals as well.
Learn Lucrative Skills Through Home Courses
Dalton’s home courses teach licensed massage therapists how to best treat clients who present with an issue associated with the upper cervical complex.
For the licensed massage therapist, an interest in Myoskeletal Alignment Techniques (MAT) — the pain-management modality developed and practiced by Dalton for more than three decades — is usually based on a strong desire to be able to help clients in pain in a natural, non-invasive manner. Often, this desire is born out of frustration from not being able to give one’s clients the pain relief they so desperately seek. The motivation to learn MAT also tends to stem from a deep curiosity about how to do things better, how to get to the actual root of a client’s pain problems, how to develop a greater understanding of the way the body works, and how to help clients find the beauty and ease of optimal function. This kind of passion for helping clients find lasting pain relief is the perfect motivation for enrolling in MAT classes.
As an added bonus, those manual therapists who do choose to take home courses or live workshops with Erik Dalton will be learning a skill that is not only effective, but also quite lucrative. In fact, these two aspects of MAT — effective and lucrative — are linked together in an obvious chain of cause and effect. In other words, it is because MAT is so effective when it comes to helping clients manage and eliminate pain that practitioners of this skill set, who are known as Certified Myoskeletal Therapists and Master Myoskeletal Therapists, are able to set their fees much higher than the average massage therapist.
Dalton’s Home Courses Focus on Key Pain Problems
With a full catalog of CE programs to choose from, Dalton and his team have made it simple to start taking your career to the next level by learning the skills you need to address key pain problems, including issues with the upper cervical complex. Among the MAT home courses that address problems with the upper cervical complex is the Motion is Lotion DVD Set. These three discs show Dalton and special guest Paul Kelly as they walk the viewer through the nuts and bolts of assessing, treating and teaching home retraining exercises for conditions that range from frozen shoulder, low back pain and sacral torsions to hip pain, upper crossed postural patterns and occipital neuralgia headache.
All Myoskeletal courses are now fully online… same courses, same CEs just from the comfort of your home.
Click here for more information.
On sale this week only!
Save 25% off the Posture Pain Performance course!
NEW! USB version with enhanced video
Discover the foundational principles behind MAT technique as we take you on an in-depth look at the connection between pain, posture and function. Save 25% off the Posture Pain Performance course this week only. Offer expires Monday February 3rd. Click the button below for more information and to purchase the course. Upon completion receive 20CE hours and a certificate of completion to display in your office.
Bonus: Order the Home Study version and receive the e-Course for FREE!