
Take a positive approach to CE

Like most things in life, the attitude you take toward massage continuing education can play a large role in how much you benefit from earning the massage CEU you need to renew and maintain your license to practice. If you approach this additional massage training as if it is simply a chore and a requirement to be checked off the list, you may find that it feels somewhat tedious and forced. However, if you take an excited and enthusiastic attitude toward massage continuing education, there may be a much better chance that you will you get a great return on your investment.

One of the first steps in creating the right mindset around massage continuing education is to get a realistic handle on the ways in which you might most benefit from earning your next massage therapy CEU. Typically, this means taking an objective look at your current practice to find out where any weaknesses may exist. It also tends to mean turning your attention inward to discover what you might be most curious about or what your passion might be pulling you toward.

For example, you may have noticed a pattern of clients coming to you with complaints of chronic back pain, and you may feel that your inability to provide them with a lasting solution may be a weakness in your current practice. In that case, you may choose to devote your upcoming massage CEs to learning more advanced and effective massage techniques for back pain.

As another example, you may find yourself feeling curious about a certain modality that you have experienced or read about. In this case, that could be your passion pulling you toward massage continuing education that can give you an introduction to this modality and allow you to determine whether it is something you would like to weave into your daily practice.

By paying greater attention to patterns such as client conditions and the direction of your own curiosities and passions, you may begin to feel more excitement and enthusiasm about finding your next massage continuing education experience—an experience that could potentially help bolster any weaknesses within your practice and also leave you feeling more fulfilled and passionate about the work you do each day.

Once you have made the observations necessary to determine what type of massage continuing education class you would like to take, a wise next step in the development of the best possible attitude may be to do a bit of research on the class topic and various providers. For example, if you feel called to find out more about medical massage, then you may wish to begin researching massage continuing education courses that will teach you more clinical techniques, such as orthopedic massage or deep tissue massage techniques for the effective management of chronic pain and other medical conditions.

If you are considering enrolling in massage continuing education with Erik Dalton, you might want to begin by asking what is myoskeletal alignment therapy? This way, you can start to get a better understanding of Dalton’s signature modality, which is known officially as Myoskeletal Alignment Techniques, or MAT. A quick Internet search should take you to the portions of Dalton’s Web site that describe MAT in detail, as well as all the ways in which a massage certification in MAT could be a boon to both you and your clients.

This bit of research on a potential massage therapy continuing education class should serve to help you get more excited about the experience and also help to figure out whether it is the right next step for you and your career—all of which can combine to create a brighter and more open attitude before you even set foot in the classroom or turn on the computer to earn a massage online CEU.

Of course, besides doing this groundwork to pin down the most powerful class you can take, it is also important to make sure the course will make the grade when it comes to fulfilling your state or regional requirement for continuing education. Therefore, as you are conducting your brief research, be sure to check to see if the class and teacher meet the necessary guidelines, such as being an NCBTMB approved provider.

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With these powerful MAT techniques you’ll learn how to relieve protective muscle spasm, restore motion in adhesive joint capsules, and promote healing in injured ligaments. Features real clients with real problems. Save 25% this week only. Offer expires March 10th.  Click the button below for more information and to purchase the course for CE hours and a certificate of completion to display in your office.   BONUS: Order the home study version and get access to the eCourse for free!

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