
Erik Dalton Blog

A Different Twist on Wrist & Hand Pain

Both professional and recreational athletes depend on their hands, wrists and fingers for proper strength, grip and range of motion for optimal performance. Sprains commonly occur during active sports or household falls…

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Don’t Blame the Rotator Cuff

The term Arthro (joint) Kinetic (motion) Reflex was coined by University of Pittsburg researchers to describe how sensory input from joint movement reflexively activates or inhibits muscles – and no other place in the body is this concept more applicable than in the joints and connective tissues of the shoulder girdle.

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I’m blaming it on the AC joint!

The AC joint sits on the point of the shoulder lateral to the sternoclavicular (SC) and proximal to the glenohumeral (GH) joint. Regrettably, this oft-overlooked bony articulation receives little respect from most manual therapists. Both the AC and SC joints play vital roles in the biomechanics of throwing and other upper-limb activities.

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Pec Minor Technique for TOS

Efficiency of movement, pain reduction, and improved function are the desired outcomes of most types of manual and exercise-based therapies, yet we’ve all seen how tension, trauma, and even overly aggressive bodywork can…

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Nerve and Joint Gliding Routine for Carpal Tunnel

Artists, bodyworkers, computer programmers, and writers are among those who suffer from overuse syndromes such as carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). Although most of us have developed hands-on skills for relieving median nerve compression as it passes under the transverse carpal ligament, I believe the treatment can be enhanced by…

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Deltoid Sheer & Rotator Cuff Tendinopathy

Ideal shoulder girdle balance requires that some muscles act as stabilizers and others as mobilizers, depending on joint position and movement required for the particular task. A perfect balance of mobilizers and stabilizers results in optimal alignment, or joint centration. Think of joint centration like the wheel on a car.

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