Advance Your Skills in Orthopedic Massage Online
From Dynamic Lower Body course For many professional massage therapists and bodyworkers, the education necessary to attain one’s license to practice may be focused mainly
From Dynamic Lower Body course For many professional massage therapists and bodyworkers, the education necessary to attain one’s license to practice may be focused mainly
If a patient has carpal tunnel syndrome, the manual therapist who has studied the protocols on Dalton’s “Advanced Myoskeletal Techniques for Shoulder, Arm and Hand
Manual therapists may want training in more clinical massage and bodywork techniques in order to move their careers into the lucrative realm of sports medicine
Although client after client may arrive at the offices of manual therapists complaining of neck and shoulder pain, the chances that the professional bodyworker will
When a client presents with an issue associated with the upper cervical complex, such as occipital neuralgia headaches, that client is most likely hoping that From Motion Is Lotion course Fibromyalgia Fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) is a widespread musculoskeletal pain and fatigue disorder for which the cause is still unknown.
Dr. Janet Travell’s recently released medical records reveal that President John F. Kennedy suffered chronic back pain and spine degeneration (Fig. 1) leading to the
Upper Crossed Syndrome (UCS) may generally be described as the weakening and lengthening of the posterior chain of upper-back and neck musculature, and the tightening
TOP 5 Massage Articles The 42 Pound Head (Dalton) “Most attempts to correct posture are directed toward the spine, shoulders and pelvis. All are important,
Increased outdoor activity during the summer months tends to escalate the number of overuse and traumatic injuries seen in massage and bodywork practices. One of
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