Triggering Feel Good Hormones in Times of Stress
Triggering the feel-good hormones through touch Everyone knows good bodywork feels good, but what causes those feel-good feelings, and how can we further elevate our
Triggering the feel-good hormones through touch Everyone knows good bodywork feels good, but what causes those feel-good feelings, and how can we further elevate our
Mobilizing the Ulnar Nerve The ulnar is the most exposed of all nerves and ranks second only to the median nerve (carpal tunnel syndrome) as
The femoroacetabular is one of the largest, strongest and most flexible joints in the human body. During gait our hips give us power and stability,
We are delighted to announce the release of the “Essential MAT Assessments” program. I hope you enjoy our newest course addition to the Freedom From From Motion Is Lotion course Brenda was referred to me for treatment of chronic (non-traumatic) head, neck, and thorax pain, exacerbated by more than From Motion Is Lotion course In last week’s Technique Tuesday newsletter we assessed the neck firing order pattern using the Head Raise Test. As From Advanced Upper Body course Image 1 Forward bending of the head toward the chest with the client in a supine position should initiate
Posture, Pain, Performance is Erik Dalton’s all time best selling course. It provides you with a thorough grounding in his innovative Myoskeletal Alignment Techniques.
Ideal shoulder girdle balance requires that some muscles act as stabilizers and others as mobilizers, depending on joint position and movement required for the particular task. A perfect balance of mobilizers and stabilizers results in optimal alignment, or joint centration. Think of joint centration like the wheel on a car.
It is helpful for massage and bodyworkers to view muscle weakness from a neurological perspective. We’ve been taught that the voluntary skeletal muscle system is
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