
Erik Dalton Blog

A Surge in Overuse Injuries

Year-round sports are a way of life for many and involve people across all age groups. From elite professionals and athletes with an avid interest to casual participants and folks who simply want to stay fit, all are at risk for…

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Stiff Hips and Low-Back Pain

What’s the first thing that comes to mind when a client presents with low-back pain? Muscle spasm, nerve impingement, osteoarthritis, or maybe a disc problem? In my experience, therapists rarely link the femoroacetabular joint to back disorders, even though several studies have found a strong correlation between fixated hips and lumbar spine pathology.

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Putting the Pieces Together

Clinical reasoning for an evidence-informed practice Each of us has a toolbox packed with assessments and techniques for treating clients with various pain complaints. Using

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image 3. Tibiotalar A-P Joint Play

Joint Play the Mennell Way

Everything designed to move has a built-in factor of “play” to promote efficient functional movement. For example, an automobile pis­ton and cylinder, a wheel on an axle, and even a simple hinge all have calculated play between their moving parts to allow efficiency of movement. Why not in a human joint?…

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Gut Gasses and Stomach Pain

When we digest food, naturally occurring bacteria in the gut emits various gases, including methane and hydrogen (Image 1.). In an optimally functioning GI track,

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