
Erik Dalton Blog

A is for Asymmetry

Asymmetries may be at the root of your client’s pain complaints and need to be addressed. But even if your clients are asymptomatic, you should still address the imbalances proactively.

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A Different Twist on Wrist & Hand Pain

Both professional and recreational athletes depend on their hands, wrists and fingers for proper strength, grip and range of motion for optimal performance. Sprains commonly occur during active sports or household falls…

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How Do Ligaments Cause Sciatica?

The primary role of the iliolumbar ligaments is to prevent excessive lumbar sidebending, but these ligaments can contribute to sciatic nerve entrapment when injured. A traumatic event such as a bending and twisting maneuver while attempting to lift a heavy object, may strain the iliolumbar ligaments and their multifidi neighbors. As the ligaments weaken, they lose the ability to

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image 3. Tibiotalar A-P Joint Play

Joint Play the Mennell Way

Everything designed to move has a built-in factor of “play” to promote efficient functional movement. For example, an automobile pis­ton and cylinder, a wheel on an axle, and even a simple hinge all have calculated play between their moving parts to allow efficiency of movement. Why not in a human joint?…

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Gut Gasses and Stomach Pain

When we digest food, naturally occurring bacteria in the gut emits various gases, including methane and hydrogen (Image 1.). In an optimally functioning GI track,

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